
Chronological History of Java's Birth

This is a timeline of events leading to the establishment of Java language. Jan 1991 -> "Green Project" born at Sun Microsystems for programming for consumer devices. Created by Bill Joy, James Gosling, Patrick Naughton Feb 1991 -> " Oak language " created with James as architect. Initially it was just an extension of C++ by filling in gaps. Later it was recreated as a new language. Apr 1991 -> "Star Seven" team formed for further development. SPARC hardware prototyped. Mar 1992 -> Oak was renamed as Java . Nov 1992 -> New company named "First Person" created for Java. Feb 1993 -> Commercial rollouts of Java were tried. Sep 1993 -> Java Application development goes full steam. Arthur Van Hoff joins the team. July 1994 -> Java embedding in web browsers by Patrick Naughton Sep 1994 -> First Java application created named " HotJava " which was a web browser. The credit of th
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